Filka Sekulova Wednesday 28th June, 12.00-13.00, ICTA-UAB The emergence of community-based initiatives (CBIs) in the field of sustainability can be considered one of the unique responses to the deeper social, ecological, and economic crises of modernity. Whether considered a new or an old phenomenon, community initiatives are weaving a path which remains hidden from the…
Author: Fulvia
Alternatives from resistances: mining
Bea Rodríguez-Labajos Tuesday 27th June, 12.00-13.30, ICTA-UAB The mining extraction frontier continues to expand worldwide. What is driving this expansion? For some, the fundamental factor is the change in metabolic profiles (in terms of energy and material flows) of high-demand countries. This is not only an intellectual question. Increased mineral consumption and extraction has triggered…
Ecological distribution conflicts: the EJAtlas
Joan Martínez-Alier Tuesday 26th June, 10.00-11.30, ICTA-UAB Concepts such as environmental racism, popular epidemiology, environmentalism of the poor and the indigenous, biopiracy or food sovereignty, and many others, serve to describe and participate in ecological distribution conflicts. They are conflicts related to the extraction and transport of resources and disposal of waste occurring worldwide, as…
Environmental justice: cities
Isabelle Anguelovski Monday 26th June, 12.00-13.30, ICTA-UAB Much of the extensive early literature on urban EJ examined inequities in exposure to contamination and health risks, highlighting that low-income and minority groups disproportionally suffer from toxic pollution or exposure. Recent studies have also demonstrated the unequal access by race and class to environmental goods, such as…
Degrowth – latest debates
Giorgos Kallis Monday 26th June, 10.00-11.30, ICTA-UAB I will introduce the understanding of the economy emerging from scholarship on degrowth, drawing from such diverse fields as economic anthropology, ecological and feminist economics, and Marxian and institutional political economy. The economy, I will argue, is an invention, which is political, material and diverse. The core economic…
Ariel Salleh
Ariel Salleh is a founding member of the Global University for Sustainability, Hong Kong; Visiting Professor in Culture, Philosophy & Environment, Nelson Mandela University; 2013 Senior Fellow in Post-Growth Societies, Friedrich Schiller University Jena: and Research Associate in Political Economy, University of Sydney. She taught in Social Ecology at the University of Western Sydney for…
Related events 2017
Debate publico sobre gentrificación y decrecimiento Luchas para una Barcelona más justa Perspectivas desde tres movimientos: justicia ambiental, decrecimiento turistico y decrecimiento Viernes 30 junio, 19.00-20.30, Pou de la Figuera (c Sant Pere més Baix 70, Barcelona) ON DEGROWTH Move Utopia Müritz (Germany), 21th – 25th June 2017 Designing the future, de-growing growth…
Ashish Kothari
Founder-member of Indian environmental group Kalpavriksh, taught at Indian Institute of Public Administration, and guest faculty in several universities including as Mellon Fellow at Bowdoin College, USA. Coordinated India’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan process, served on boards of Greenpeace International and India, Indian Society of Ecological Economics, World Commission on Protected Areas, IUCN…
Bibliography 2017
Bibliography will be uploaded in June. Meanwhile, have a look at the bibliography 2015 and 2016.
Lecturers 2017
Below is the list of speakers who will be presenting at the Degrowth Summer School 2017: ICTA-UAB Speakers Guest Speakers Isabelle Anguelovski – BCNUEJ project Ashish Kothari Claudio Cattaneo – R&D Barcelona, Spain Amaia Pérez Orozco – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Federico Demaria – R&D Barcelona, ENVJustice project Ariel Salleh – University of Sydney Melissa García…