
Applications will be open from March 10th to 23rd, 2025.

Fill out the form at the bottom of the page.


Interest in the topics of Degrowth, Municipalism or Commoning.

English proficiency for week 1, Spanish proficiency for week 2, Catalan proficiency is an asset.

Cycling week in Catalunya: a bike and your own camping material; be prepared for moderate physical activity and communal outdoor living.


Combined ticket (Week one in Girona & week two cycling)
Solidarity fee 650€
Basic fee 450€
Reduced fee 350€

Week one in Girona only
Solidarity fee 420€
Basic fee 280€
Reduced fee 200€

Week two cycling only
Solidarity fee 420€
Basic fee 280€
Reduced fee 200€

The solidarity ticket allows us to give away more reduced-fee tickets to people who really need it and helps us support the projects we will visit during the Summer School. If you are getting financed from an institution (e.g. PhD students, researchers), try to go for this fee. We trust that you are honest with your capabilities and mindful of other´s needs.

Before filling out the application form, please read the following information carefully. This year is divided into two weeks: one static week in Girona (9th-13th June)  plus a one-week bike trip through Galicia (15th-20th June). In the form you can select if you would like to join for both weeks -we are offering special combined prices for this!- or for just one of the weeks.

Please take your time and fill out the form thoroughly. We will be asking you to give us some important information in order to prepare the unique logistics of this Summer School.