What is the Degrowth Summer School?

The Degrowth Summer School, initiated in 2014, has been a platform that brings together academics, practitioners, artists, activists, community organisers, and concerned citizens to collectively delve into discussions and learning experiences related to degrowth and environmental justice. Organised by Research & Degrowth International (R&Di), the school traditionally spanned two weeks.

The first week featured collaborations with the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Autonomous University of Barcelona (ICTA-UAB) and various community projects in Barcelona. The second week typically saw the school relocating to Cerbère, France, hosted by the project Can Decreix, serving as a space for practical experimentation and reflection on degrowth principles.

Research & Degrowth International, a think-and-act-tank dedicated to the radical transformation of our economies and societies through research, advocacy, education, training and events around degrowth.

As stewards of a more equitable and ecologically balanced world, R&Di stands at the forefront of a movement challenging the relentless pursuit of growth.

We are driven by the belief that a flourishing society can thrive without perpetually expanding its economic footprint.

Welcome to the 11th R&Di's Summer School!

This year’s Summer School on Degrowth, Municipalism & Commoning will take place from June 9th to 21st 2025 in and around Girona, Catalonia!

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Girona, a small city in the North of Catalonia, is lead by a progressive municipal government that is dedicated to a socio-ecological transition on the municipal level. In cooperation with Research & Degrowth, the city council is developing pathways to become a post-growth city.

Part I

Part I of the summer school will take place in Girona from June 9th to 13th. With the collaboration of the University of Girona we will offer classes on Degrowth and Municipalism.

We will get to know movements from the city and learn from the cooperation between R&D and the city’s government.

To get rooted in the territory we will learn about the Catalan context and get to know the city.

Part II

Part II of the summer school will take place as a bike caravan through Catalonia from June 15th to 21st. We want to apply the theoretical knowledge from the first week in a practical way.

Cycling through the country we will visit and learn from different initiatives that are organizing the socio-ecological transformation bottom-up.

Municipalism and commoning will be the focus of the second week.

“Taking part in the Summer School was an enriching experience, and I’d recommend it to anyone. The quality of the classes and lecturers, the connections made, the joy of visiting activists via bike… If you’ve ever been curious of degrowth, environmental justice or alternative economic models THIS IS THE TIME FOR YOU!”

Félix Garnier

“The Degrowth Summer School was a truly transformational time for me. It was more than simply learning about alternative ways of organising society, it also felt like a true embodiment of degrowth, with the environmental justice, but also the culture of care that it entails! Couldn’t recommend the experience more!”


“If you want to connect degrowth theory with real-life practice, this summer school is for you. We didn’t just discuss green extractivism, we spoke with those affected by it. We didn’t just read about communitarian life, we lived it. We didn’t just question whether low-impact lifestyles are possible, we proved it, eating vegan, moving by bike, and finding wellbeing in nature and community rather than consumption. To truly grasp the essence of degrowth, this is an opportunity worth considering.”

Roberto Talenti


Applications are now open until the 23/03


E-mail: summerschool@degrowth.org